Witold Pilecki

the Auschwitz volunteer

So they didn't let anybody else off.
I can't live anymore, they've done me.
Auschwitz was just a child's play.

why Pilecki?

because Pilecki is the toughest guy you have ever heard of because he was the only man in the world who volunteered to hell, namely, Nazi death camp Auschwitz because he became a prisoner in order to support other prisoners and start inside a resistance movement because he was the most daring spy - first in the world to inform Allied forces' intelligence on horrors of the Holocaust (from March, 1941) vide: Pilecki Report because after 2,5 years in Auschwitz, having overpowered a guard, he fled with stolen German documents to continue outside the fight against the merciless enemy because it soon turned out he was forced to fight two enemies at a time: nazis and communists who equally hated his heroic mind and pure heart because he did not leave his country and for his peerless bravery and insuppressible need to help others he was sentenced by communists to death penalty 3-fold because the biggest hero in the world was shot in the back of the head by disgusting cowards, dumped into a hole and so far not found because Pilecki's virtues are immortal and indispensable for a human to make sense at all

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